pelago-, pelag-

(Greek [pelagos] > Latin [pelagicus]: sea, pertaining to the sea or ocean)

Sea depths are estimates and the number of feet versus meters is calculated at 3.28 feet per meter.

mesopelagic (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to the intermediate ocean depths between about 200 and 1,000 meters (656 and 3,280 feet): Mesopelagic organisms.exist in the sea between the photic epipelagic and the photic bathypelagic zones.
neritopelagic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of an organism that inhabits the coastal waters lacking physical depth over the continental shelf: Neritopelagic fauna is found in shallow waters adjoining the seacoast.
nyctipelagic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to living things that migrate or rise into the upper surface of water only at night: Bathypelagic organisms, such as pteropods, heteropods, and various crustaceans and siphonophores, are all examples of nyctipelagic organisms that sink from the higher levels to the lower levels of the sea during the day.

Bathypelagic refers to creatures that live in deep water below the level of light penetration, between 1,000 meters and 4,000 meters deep.

pelagic division (s) (noun), pelagic divisions (pl)
A body of water or a realm which includes areas of water at all depths: The research vessel was studying the pelagic division of the North Atlantic Ocean.
pelagic zone (s) (noun), pelagic zones (pl)
1. Water in the ocean which is not close to the bottom: The pelagic zones consist of the waters in a sea that are usually not close to the shores.
2. Etymology: from Latin pelagicus; from Greek pelagikos, from pelagos, "sea, high sea, open sea".
—Source: Compiled primarily from information located in;
Wikipedia contributors. "Pelagic zone." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia;
21 Jul. 2014. Web. 11 Aug. 2014; from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
pelagic, pelagian, pelagial (adjective), more pelagic, most pelagic
1. Relating to organisms living in open oceans or seas rather than in waters near land or inland waters: Some kinds of birds are known to be pelagic, but also some fish are pelagic-neritic and grow to about 8.0 cm in length.
2. Concerning organisms that live or grow at or near the surface of the ocean, far from land: In Ruth's biology book, she read about pelagial areas in the seas and what organisms dwelled there.
3. Pertaining to the sea; marine: It is possible to find pelagian shells when on vacation near the ocean.

The pelagic zone of the ocean begins at the low tide mark and includes the entire oceanic water column. The pelagic ecosystem is largely dependent on the phytoplankton inhabiting the upper sunlit regions, where most ocean organisms live.

Biodiversity decreases sharply in the unlit zones where water pressure is high, temperatures are cold, and food sources scarce. Pelagic waters are divided, in descending order, into the epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, and hadopelagic zones.

pelagism (s) (noun) (not comparable)
A rarely used term for seasickness: Having pelagism isn't nice as Susan discovered on the boat tour she was on during vacation because the unusual motion upset her stomach and she had to vomit, in addition to being dizzy and having a headache.
pelagochthonous (adjective), more pelagochthonous, most pelagochthonous
A reference to coal derived from wood that had floated on water, had washed ashore, or had been in a sunken forest: In Clive's book, he read about pelagochthonous fragments of timber that had been used for a fire.
pelagophilous (adjective) (not comparable)
In biology, thriving in the open surface waters of the sea: Pelagophilous fish, as the tolstolobik and the chekhon, deposit their roe for development in the open ocean.
pelagophyte (s) (noun), pelagophytes (pl)
A plant living at the sea surface: A pelagophyte is specifically a heterokont algae that thrives on the top of the ocean water.
pelagophytic (adjective), more pelagophytic, most pelagophytic
Referring to flora thriving on the surface of the ocean: Pelagophytic algae are known to grow on the water covering the seas.
pellagra, pelagra (s) (noun); pellagras; pelagras (pl)
1. An infection characterized by gastrointestinal disturbances, erythema (redness of the skin due to capillary dilatation, particularly of exposed areas) followed by desquamation (the shedding of the cuticle in scales or of the outer layer of any surface), and nervous and mental disorders: Pellagra may occur because of a poor diet, alcoholism, or some disease causing impairment of nutrition.
> 2. An endemic disease often attributed to eating diseased maize: Pellagra is found frequently among the peasantry of Southern Europe, especially in Lombardy.

The symptoms of pellagra are a reddening of the skin, which dries and cracks, and the epidermis that peels off in bran-like scales. The digestive organs and central nervous system can be affected.

Pellagra is commonly seen when corn (maize) is a main nutrient in the diet resulting in a deficiency of niacin.

Pellagra can end in insanity.

Queen of the Eastern Archipel’ago (proper noun)
The island of Java: James read a book about the Queen of the Eastern Archipel'ago, or Queen of the Eastern Archipelago, an island in Indonesia to the south of Borneo and the world's most densely populated areas.
tychopelagic (adjective), more tychopelagic, most tychopelagic
A reference to organisms (tiny creatures) that normally exist in the benthos (seafloor), but which have been carried up into the liquid column by chance factors: Artesian wells, in which the water rises without a pumping apparatus, may be an example of tychopelagic processes that are carried into agricultural systems, including any living things that are in the fluids.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "sea" and the "ocean" bodies of water: abysso- (bottomless); Atlantic; batho-, bathy- (depth); bentho- (deep, depth); halio-, halo- (salt or "the sea"); mare, mari- (sea); necto-, nekto- (swimming); oceano-; plankto- (drifting); thalasso- (sea, ocean).